caring for your bouquet

Fresh Flower Care

I thought I would address this question, because I get at least 1 call a day requesting this information. Most important thing you can do to care for your bouquet is fresh cold water added daily. Take your bouquet to your Kitchen sink, add water without spilling excess water on to the blooms. If the water is murky or discolored, you may need help to dump the water out and add fresh water, or you can gently push the flowers to the side and run cold water from your tap to flush out the contaminated water. Next location. Do not place flowers where they will get heated, like a window, on top of an appliance, or near a vent blowing hot air. If I want flowers on my mantel, I just close my vent that blows there. Keeping the flowers cool will make them last longer. My mom always places them outside at night, or in a garage would work too. Also a light mist of water helps too. You can also snip off any spent or bloomed out stems to keep your bouquet looking fresh. Feel free to comment and leave any of your care tips you would like to share. Also Take a photo with your bouquet and send it to the person who sent them to you, I guarantee it will put a smile on their face too.