Garden Girl Flowers | Eugene Flower Delivery

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Flowers For Mental Health

I always say, “ Flowers make people happy.” And actually yes its true, studies have been done to prove this is true. I believe plants and flowers both help our mental health. I know that gardening has always been a form of therapy and satisfaction for me. Growing plants from seed is very satisfactory and so is watching them grow, develop a new leaf, develop a bud and bloom. There is something that gives me joy in caring for plants and seeing them grow and develop and be healthy.

There are certain rituals I do, like misting my houseplants daily, watering them, fertilizing them, cleaning their leaves, researching them, and pest management. All of these things bring me joy…… well maybe not pest management. That can be stressful trying to save them from pest or disease, but in the process i learn more and care more about them, and in turn create a healthier air environment for myself and my family.

Walking through the garden and choosing blossoms to bring into the house is therapeutic. Even if it is just greenery or teasel from the roadside. Bring them in, turn on your favorite music, fill a clean vase with water and have fun. Decide beforehand where you might place it , so you know how much space you have. Light a candle and sit and look at what you have just created, snap a photo or two of it, experiment with lighting. place it in a few different spots, and see which one you like best. It is fun, relaxing, and satisfying.

You can also call us and order some beauty for yourself as a pick me up, or for a friend or family member. We get calls and messages all the time from people who have received flowers from us, telling us how much they helped them. The beauty comforted them or lifted their spirits. It brings us joy in creating them , and then again knowing how much they were loved. This is my passion and I am so thankful that I get to be surrounded by beauty everyday, and the joy it brings to my life.